White House Wear

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Feeling the rustling of leaves under my oxfords, marveling at the historical delights of one of the most established part of the United States, having the opportunity to Video Chat Snowden, meet Bob Woodward, and walk through the White House… these are the surreal moments I experienced while in Washington D.C. during the Associated College Press Journalism conference and you can bet that I took in each experience in a fashionable stride. I would like to start this D.C. outfit series with one of my favorite stops of the trip: The White House.

What is the closest America can possibly get to a royal abode? The President of the United States’ home of course! My friends and I couldn’t help but be in awe that such a symbol of American history was accessible to us for the day. Going to college on the beach after coming back from a year abroad in London, I was aching to step inside an architectural wonder that was more than a century old. A bit of patriotism surged through me after finding the White House to be as gorgeous as the Buckingham Palace, but in its own right. It had a colonial air with imprints of presidents’ and first ladies’ portraits that beckoned goose bumps under my turtleneck. Little did I know that Barack and Michelle Obama in the flesh would be casually getting off a helicopter right outside the window I was gaping at the grounds from.

It was a breath of fresh air to finally be able to wear fall clothing. Los Angeles as I type is just starting to cool down in mid-November, whereas just before leaving for DC a month earlier, Los Angeles was in the mid-eighties. As you can imagine, I took full advantage of the East Coast chill and went for a preppy Ivy League look with a hunter green and red pleated plaid skirt. To match, I’m wearing a black turtleneck with adorable gold buttons on the sleeve. The turtleneck and skirt combination remind of something worn on Gossip Girl, especially since I paired the look with tights and polished black oxfords.

Stay tuned for some the rest of my Washington D.C. Wardrobe diary. I apologize it has taken so long, but there’s more coming your way!


Keeping it Krischic,

Kristin Vartan

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